We had a great talk yesterday by Gail Lawther. There’s a description of it on our FB page, so I won’t duplicate that here. Gail didn’t want her work photographed (sadly, people sometimes steal other people’s designs) so this month I can’t post any photos here, except for this one that she kindly let Chris take. Gail is running a workshop for us on 15th March, making wall-quilts based on ‘twilight silhouettes’. There are still a few places available, although it is booking up fast so talk to a committee member if you would like to book a place.

Several members have said to me recently that they don’t feel confident going on workshops that involve the sewing machine. If you want a gentle introduction to machine embroidery, Esther Collins is starting a new course near Pulborough (not too far from sunny Worthing) where she will start with the basics and take you through it step by step. It’s six evenings in February and March. It should give you the confidence to join other workshops such as the one by Gail Lawther above. Details in the link below.