There was an air of intense concentration in the Introduction to Goldwork day workshop this week. There was also some chat and laughter as well. Well done everyone for working so hard and being lovely company. Scroll down for a few more photos. For goldwork enthusiasts in the group, we have a treat coming up next year: Jenny Adin-Christie (Royal School of Needlework) will be coming to do a two-day workshop for us. Look out for details in the newsletter next year.
Month: October 2022
Historic banner restoration
At our October meeting we were treated to an unexpected talk by member Daphne Dedman. Our booked speaker was unable to attend (she will come in 2023 instead). Instead, Daphne kindly gave us a talk about her work: firstly, the work she has done on repairing and restoring Masonic banners and then on her own work. Banner restoration started with volunteering to repair the banner for Worthing, and it gradually snowballed until 10 years later she has become rather an expert. Daphne explained how she preserves as much of the original work as possible, only replacing some areas if they are beyond repair. The work encompasses goldwork, silk shading, applique, fabric painting and much more. Sadly I am not able to show any of the banners here, because we don’t have permission from the Masons to show them. However, the second half of Daphne’s talk was about her own work, and she brought some lovely examples to show us. We were all impressed with the range and quality of Daphne’s work. Isn’t it good to see someone’s work all laid out together for people to enjoy. Scroll down below to see some examples of Daphne’s work.
Last month’s meeting
Thanks to Annette for sending in some photos from the September ‘sit-and-sew’. They are a bit late appearing on here as I’ve been away. I was sorry to miss the meeting, but judging by the photos it looks like a good afternoon. The photos of individual work have’t got names on them; if you would like to claim one as yours, just put a comment in the box below here and I’ll add your name.